Ever wondered, how amazing a yawn can be? I think, its the most contagious expression of humans (or dogs as well - I have noticed them yawning together). So this friend of mine - Ravi, has so many yawning babies in his orkut photo album, and each time I visit his profile, I keep yawning. Once I was irritating someone on skype chat with yawns, and it was me who was actually yawning at the end.
I think, this fascination of myself towards the yawns is the reason my daugher Goldie yawns so lovely. She started yawning with a sound since she was 5 and a half months, and I love it. This is generally an age for kids, when people around them are longing for any kind of non-crying sound from them, and this Yawn is a feast for my ears.
No wonder why researchers have spent a lot of time studying in and around of yawns - even the researchers were fascinated. People do hate yawning, as it indicates bad-manners and lack of interest. But who cares for bad-manners when we have more interest in yawning.
I know the reader of this blog must be busy yawning by now, and yes, I have achieved what I wanted to!